Saturday, July 2, 2011

Testosterone Supplements

Testosterone is the primary hormone among males that affects the overall sexual and metabolic health of all men. It is produced within the testicles and plays an important role in the sexual performance and reproductive health of a male. Testosterone synthesis in the male body reduces gradually, i.e. as an individual ages. When testosterone levels dip below a basic, minimum level, Testosterone Supplements are prescribed. This can be done in various forms, including pills and injections.

It is generally regarded that Testosterone Supplements in the form of injections are the fastest acting. This is because an injection allows the hormone to be directed into the bloodstream with minimal absorption or uptake time. This is followed by pills that are bit slower acting than Testosterone Supplement injections. However, the slowest but perhaps, the safest form of testosterone supplementation, is using a Testosterone Gel. These gels are used in a superficial manner, i.e. they are applied over the genitals. The absorption of active testosterone here is slowest among all the mentioned testosterone supplements since it needs to permeate through the skin before reaching the bloodstream.

Further, testosterone supplements in the form of intramuscular injections are rather demanding while applying a gel is rather easy. Most testosterone supplements are available today in the over-the-counter, non-prescription format but seeking a medical opinion before using them is a smarter, safer approach.